अरकु घाटी

अराकू घाटी आंध्र प्रदेश के सूर्योदय राज्य में स्थित है। अरकू घाटी विचित्र सुंदरता का एक छोटा सा हिल स्टेशन है।


अरकू घाटी छोटे शहर से सटे जंगलों के साथ अपनी हरी भरी वादियों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। अराकू घाटी विशाखापत्तनम से 2-3 घंटे की दूरी पर है और उड़ीसा सीमा के करीब है। अराकू घाटी में उगाई जाने वाली कॉफी देश में कुछ बेहतरीन है। अधिकांश उपज निर्यात की जाती है, लेकिन स्थानीय बाजारों में बहुतायत से पाई जा सकती है। घाटी के चारों ओर कई शानदार पहाड़ हैं, जिनमें से गैलिकोकोंडा पहाड़ी की समुद्र तल से ऊँचाई 5000 फीट है। अराकू घाटी को घेरने वाले अन्य पहाड़ों में सुनकारी मेट्टा, रक्ता कोंडा और चिता मोगोंडी पहाड़ियाँ शामिल हैं। इन पहाड़ों के भीतर भारी मात्रा में बॉक्साइट अयस्क है जैसा कि खनन अभियानों के माध्यम से देखा गया है। प्राकृतिक खनिजों से समृद्ध होने के अलावा, घाटी प्रकृति के प्रति उत्साही और साहसिक चाहने वालों के लिए भी एक वापसी है। ट्रेकिंग और रॉक क्लाइम्बिंग में शामिल होने के बाद एक बार बाहरी गतिविधियों की भीड़ हो सकती है। अराकू के आसपास की सड़कें गहरी सुरंगों और घने पर्णसमूह से भरी हुई हैं जो इस क्षेत्र की खोज के सुंदर अनुभव को जोड़ती हैं।

जलवायु संबंधी स्थिति

अराकू घाटी में जलवायु की स्थिति आम तौर पर 18 से 30 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड के बीच मध्यम तापमान का अनुभव करने वाली गर्मियों के साथ सुखद होती है। गर्मियों की हवाएँ ठंडी होती हैं और पूरे मौसम में प्रवाहित होती हैं, जिससे जलवायु सुखद होती है। अराकू घाटी में मानसून 1700 मिमी औसत वर्षा के साथ भारी वर्षा लाता है। भारी मानसून जून और अक्टूबर के महीनों के बीच रहता है। सर्दियों में औसत तापमान 5 डिग्री सेंटीग्रेड तक कम हो जाता है। जनवरी इस वर्ष का सबसे ठंडा महीना है जो इस समय के दौरान सबसे अधिक पर्यटन का अनुभव है।

यात्रा के लिए सबसे अच्छा समय है

अराकू घाटी गर्मियों और सर्दियों के महीनों के दौरान सबसे अच्छी तरह से देखी जाती है। ग्रीष्मकाल सुखद हलचल लाता है और सर्दियां एक सप्ताहांत वापसी के लिए बहुत अच्छी होती हैं। सर्दियों के लिए भारी जैकेट और वूलेन ले जाने की सलाह दी जाती है जबकि गर्मियों में हल्के स्वेटर के साथ जा सकते हैं।

आकर्षण / बातें करने के लिए

अराकू घाटी में कॉफी बागानों की एक भीड़ है जहाँ भारत में कुछ बेहतरीन कॉफी उगाई जाती हैं। इन वृक्षारोपणों में से एक की यात्रा का कायाकल्प और ताज़ा होना निश्चित है। अरकू घाटी में कई वन क्षेत्र और घास के मैदान ट्रेक और शिविर भ्रमण के लिए आदर्श हैं। इस क्षेत्र में व्यापक जनजातीय संस्कृति भी प्रचलित है क्योंकि इसकी व्यापक खोज की जा सकती है। अराकू घाटी में एक जनजातीय संग्रहालय है जो पूर्वी घाट पर बसे जनजातियों के जीवन और इतिहास को प्रदर्शित करता है। संग्रहालय स्वयं मिट्टी और प्राकृतिक सामग्रियों का उपयोग करके बनाया गया है, जो इसे एक प्राकृतिक अनुभव देता है। संग्रहालय के अलावा, पद्मपुरा बॉटनिकल गार्डन शांति का स्थान है। बाग बहुत सारी वनस्पतियों से भरा हुआ है। फूलों की कई प्रजातियों का पोषण यहां किया जाता है और दिन के दौरान पर्यटकों द्वारा यहां जाया जा सकता है।

कैसे पहुंचा जाये

अराकू घाटी आंध्र प्रदेश के बंदरगाह शहर विशाखापत्तनम के पास स्थित है, जो एक दूर की दूरी पर स्थित है। हवाई मार्ग से अराकू घाटी पहुंचने के लिए विशाखापत्तनम तक उड़ान भरनी पड़ती है। पूरे भारत से नियमित उड़ानें जाती हैं और हवाई अड्डे तक जाती हैं। रेल यात्रा भी विशाखापत्तनम से सीधी ट्रेन पर विचार करने का एक विकल्प है जो हर दिन अराकू में प्रवेश करती है। अराकू घाटी तक पहुँचने के लिए विशाखापट्टनम और हैदराबाद जाने वाली विभिन्न टैक्सियाँ और राज्य सड़क परिवहन निगम की बसें हैं।

प्रमुख शहरों से दूरी

  • विशाखापत्तनम - 80 किमी
  • काकीनाडा - 230 किमी
  • राजमुंदरी - 270 किमी
  • विजयवाड़ा - 470 किमी
  • हैदराबाद - 477 किमी
  • कोलकाता - 742 किमी
  • बैंगलोर - 822 किमी
  • मुंबई - 1058 किमी
  • दिल्ली - 1283 किमी

सरल उपयोग

अरकू घाटी सड़क और रेल द्वारा आसानी से पहुँचा जा सकता है। Nh 39 शहर से गुजरने के साथ, अंतरराज्यीय बसों का भरपूर लाभ उठा सकते हैं। निजी और राज्य सड़क परिवहन निगम दोनों बसें विशाखापत्तनम और हैदराबाद से अराकू घाटी की ओर जा सकती हैं। अराकू में कुछ अतिथि लॉज हैं लेकिन सस्ती रेंज के भीतर विशाखापत्तनम में बहुत सारे होटल मिल सकते हैं। अतिथि लॉज सैनिटरी, सुरक्षित और आरामदायक हैं। होटलों में भोजन का ऑर्डर दिया जा सकता है और टैक्सी सेवाएं भी बुक की जा सकती हैं।

अरकु घाटी

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Trip Ideas


Borra Caves

Borra Caves are located at a distance of 36 km from Araku, 88 km from Vizag & 270 km from Rajahmundry. Borra Caves are one million-year-old limestone caves and the deepest caves in the country. Situated in Anantagiri hills of Andhra Pradesh, the caves are situated at an altitude of 1400 m and occupy an area of 2 square kilometres. Borra Caves is one of the best places to visit in Araku Valley as part of Vizag packages. These natural caves were discovered in 1807 by William King George of the Geological Survey of India. According to locals, once a cowherd lost his cow while grazing. He soon realized that his cow had fallen down. While searching for the cow, the cowherd found these caves and came across a Linga inside it. The Linga is considered synonymous to Lord Shiva, who saved the cow. After this, a small Shiva temple was built right outside this cave. The caves are filled with fascinating stalagmite and stalactite formations of calcium deposits. The Gosthani River used to flow through the caves between the formations. The caves were created due to the flow of the river over the limestone area. The pressure was exerted by the humic acid in the water on the mineral deposits and the limestone dissolved in the water. The dissolved limestone trickled down drop by drop forming different shapes in the cave. One can see different formations of the stalactites and stalagmites as Shiv-Parvathi, Mother-Child, Rushi's Beard, Human Brain, Crocodile, Tiger and Cows udder. A Shiva lingam and an idol of a cow (Kamadhenu) are among the formations which have religious significance. The Vizag - Araku train has a station at Borra Caves, from where the caves are nearly 5 km away. Few restaurants are available outside the Borra Caves including AP Tourism restaurant that offers lunch and snacks. Entrance Fee: Rs.40 (Adult), Rs.30 (Children), Camera: Rs.25, Video: Rs.100 Timings: 10 AM to 5.30 PM.



Ananthagiri is located at a distance of 26 km from Araku, 85 km from Vizag & 270 km from Rajahmundry, Anantagiri is a lovely tiny hill station between Vizag and Araku Valley. It is one of the top tourist places to visit in Araku Valley and is also among the top hill station in Andhra Pradesh apart from being a popular weekend getaway from Vizag city. At an altitude of 1168 meters, Anantagiri is famous for extensive coffee plantations and numerous waterfalls. There is a viewpoint on the way to Anantagiri on the main road that offers excellent views of the deep valleys on one side and coffee plantations on the other side. Anantagiri Hills are well known for its scenic beauty and charming weather. It is a perfect gateway to spend some time amidst the lap of nature. Anantagiri is a paradise for coffee lovers and nature enthusiasts. The village is surrounded by coffee estates that emit the rich aroma of coffee and the surrounding hillocks are home to cascading waterfalls that feed the lush greenery. The famous Borra Caves are very close to Anantagiri. This unexplored and peaceful environment of the hill station attracts tourists from various parts of the state. Watching the panoramic views ranging from sunrise, sunset, thick forests and mountain ranges cover the route between Vizag to Anantagiri. The Anantagiri hill resort is a perfect getaway from the hot and humid weather of Vizag in summer months. Accommodation is easily available in Anantagiri Hills. There are various types of hotels and lodges in the area which offer pleasant lodging facilities and services. AP tourism runs a resort is the Anantagiri village. Jungle Bells resort at Tyda is about 11 km from Anantagiri and it's a wonderful option to stay. Anantagiri hills can be reached via both road and rail. The closest railhead to these hills is 9 km away at Borra Caves. State buses are also available, in order to reach these hills.


Chaparai / Chaaparai

Chaparai / Chaaparai is located at 13 km from Araku Bus Stand, Chaaparai is a beautiful water cascade situated on Paderu - Araku Road in Vishakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. Also known as Dumbriguda Waterfalls, it is a scenic place surrounded by forests with a giant rock slider. It is one of the popular Araku Tourist Places. Chaparai Waterfalls is a popular tourist attraction, with its endless streams that cut across big rock formations of Araku Valley. The area around the waterfalls has become a popular site for picnicking, owing to the presence of the beautiful stream flowing through wide rock formations. Smooth slanting rocks interrupt the stream, making a huge natural water slide. This waterfall is highly attractive and allures lots of tourists. This waterfall is one of the preferred locations for Telugu film makers. One can experience the beauty of water gushing through natural rocks. Bathing is well possible when the water flow is not really heavy. It is recommended not to enter into the water in the monsoon season when water flow is heavy. Visitors have to take their own vehicles or hire a taxi / auto from Araku and visit this place. Entry Fee: Rs. 10 only per person


Tribal Museum

Tribal Museum is at a distance of 200 m from Araku Bus Station, Araku Tribal Museum is a wonderful place which explores the tribal culture of Eastern Ghats with wax statues. It is one of the top tourist places to visit in Araku Valley. Weekends Dimsa dance will be conducted outside of the museum and it is completely free for tourists. The Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation established this museum in 1996. Araku Valley boasts of 19 tribes that live in the vicinity of the town. The purpose of the museum is to create awareness about tribal culture and lifestyle. Araku Tribal Museum is not a historical place but offers information about the tribes that currently live here. Araku Tribal Museum is spread over two levels, built with mud and real metals to portray tribal life. The museum has been designed to showcase tribal lifestyle in motion, starting with a kitchen that displays utensils made of iron and mud. A series of 10 photographs capturing the wedding ceremony of the tribal is very interesting at the entrance. The passages within the museum that connect various sections are constructed of mud walls adorned with drawings and artwork made by tribals. The most impressive section of the Tribal Museum is the one that exhibits the local tribal Mayur and Dhimsa dance. The museum consists of several clay monuments that depict their day-to-day activities. Various artefacts of the tribal people are exhibited which includes jewellery, hunting tools and kitchen utensils. The museum is well equipped with signboards, which provides requisite information to aid the visitors. There is a stall in the museum where handicrafts items of the tribes are sold. To encourage tribal art, the museum also possesses a Tribal Art and Crafts Centre, where workshops and exhibitions are held. Timings: 10 AM to 6 PM Entry Fee: Rs. 10 for Adults & Rs. 5 for Children


Katiki / Katika Waterfalls

Katiki / Katika Waterfalls is located at 7 km from Borra Caves, 39 km from Araku, 90 km from Vizag & 665 km from Hyderabad, Katiki or Katika Waterfall is magnificent waterfall situated near Borra Caves in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the best waterfalls in Araku and also among the top places to visit in Araku. The name of the falls is derived from the name of the village nearby. Katiki waterfall is formed by the Gosthani River and it cascading down from a height of 100+ feet. The pond at the bottom of the waterfall is an excellent place for taking a bath after a tough trek to the place. It has to be reached by 20-30 minutes trek (one way) through lush forest and upwards to mountain top from the nearest motorable road. Cooking and camping are also permitted at this place. This is also a good place for trekking. To reach Katiki falls from Araku, you have to take Borra Caves road at Mulyaguda junction between Araku and Visakhapatnam (around 30 km from Araku, after Anantagiri). Cross the Borra Caves railway crossing on the same road. Nearly 2 km from the railway crossing, you have to take left turn where the straight road takes to Borra Caves (caves are 2 km from here). After 300 meters on the same road, take a left turn and go for about 4-5 km. The road ends at the railway track near Tunnel #44. From here, you have to cross the railway track and go straight trekking the mountain. The falls are nearly 20-30 minutes trek from here and the path is narrow and slippery. There are jeeps available from Gatevalsa (7 km from Katiki). There is no public transport available to this place. Visitors are advised not to venture to the waterfall in their own car as the road is bumpy and not suitable for regular cars other than jeeps. There are no lodgings near the waterfall but there are small huts that sell marinated chicken in bamboo trunks. Jungle honey is also available near the waterfall. The best time to this falls is from August to December and it will be dry during summer season.


Padmapuram Gardens

Padmapuram Gardens is located at 2.5 km from Araku Bus Station, Padmapuram Gardens is a popular botanical garden situated in Araku. It is one of the well-known places of sightseeing in Araku Valley. The garden was built in 1942 on a 26-acre plot to supply vegetables to the soldiers who fought in World War II. After the War, it was converted into a Horticultural Nursery cum Training Center where orchards, rare species of flowers and trees, tree houses and stone sculptures greet the eye. A pleasurable way of seeing the gardens is to get on to the Araku Express toy train, popular with visitors to the gardens. Along with the toy train, the garden also contains tree top huts, which can be booked by the tourists. These tree huts, also known as hanging cottages, are ten feet above the ground level. It is a thrilling experience to stay in a hanging cottage and one can experience a rare swing as the tree sways to a heavy breeze. A beautiful rose garden and exotic varieties of plants form the chief attractions here and are sold to visitors. Entry Fee: Rs. 10 for Person Timings: 9 AM to 6 PM


Tadimada Waterfalls / Anantagiri Waterfalls

Tadimada Waterfalls / Anantagiri Waterfalls is located at 30 km from Araku, 3 km from Anantagiri village, Tadimada waterfalls, also known as Anantagiri Waterfalls is a charming waterfall situated near Anantagiri town in Vizag district of Andhra Pradesh. It one of the best waterfalls in Araku and also one of the top tourist attractions in Araku. With a height of about 100 feet, Anantagiri falls offer best views in monsoon season. The best way to reach these waterfalls is by walking / trekking from Anantagiri. The falls is about 1-2 km away from the main road between Anantagiri and Araku Valley (after about 1.5 km from Anantagiri). The approach road from main road is very narrow and bumpy. Only SUVs can manage well on this road. It's advisable to walk to these falls from Anantagiri - Araku main road which takes about 20 minutes. The road is almost flat and anyone can manage to walk easily. The rocks near the falls are very slippery and should be careful while getting on to the rocks. Though swimming is possible, water here is bit dirty. Timings: 9 AM - 5 PM



Mastyagundam is located at 35 Kms from Araku Valley, Masthyagundam, also called as 'fish pool' is an interesting pool on the Machkund River near the village of Matham (15 kms from Paderu) A barrier of rocks runs right across the river and the stream plunges into a great hole and vanishes beneath this to reappear again at about 100 yards lower down. Just where it emerges under the barrier, it forms a pool which is crowded with fish of all sizes. Now, steps have been formed and one can straight go up to the pool. These are wonderfully tame and feed fearlessly from one's hand. They even let you pat their backs. Here, the tribal and other people venerate the fish. There is a small Siva temple on the bank of the river.


Duduma Waterfalls

Duduma Waterfalls is located at 70 Kms from Araku, Duduma Falls (also known as Matsya Tirtha) on Machkund River is located in Orissa state close to Munchingiputtu village of Visakhapatnam District. With a height of 520 feet, this is one of the most popular waterfalls in Orissa state. The tourism department has started focusing on this destination and can see some facilities here going forward. Nearby Jalaput Dam on Machkund River offers spectacular views.


Araku Waterfalls / Ranajilleda Falls

Ranajilleda Falls is located at 3 km from Padmapuram Gardens and 6 km from Araku Bus station, Araku Waterfalls, also known as Ranajilleda falls is lovely and little known waterfalls situated near Ranajilleda Village near Araku. At a height of over 60 feet, Araku Waterfalls is one of the best waterfalls in Araku Valley. Named after Ranajilleda village, this falls is located on mountain peak and about 10-15 minutes trekking is required to reach the falls from nearest motorable road. To reach the falls, one has to drive straight from Padmapuram Gardens till Ranajilleda village from where the falls can be reached by trekking the summit. Best time to visit these falls is the post monsoon season.


Tyda Nature Camp

Tyda Nature Camp is located at 40 Kms from Araku, 70 Kms from Vizag & 632 Kms from Hyderabad, Tyda is a small tribal village nestling in the wooded hills of the Eastern Ghats between Vizag and Araku Valley. Also known as Jungle Bells, the nature camp has facilities for rock climbing, trekking, bird watching and target shooting with bow & arrows. This eco-tourism destination is home for a variety of animals and birds. With the help of naturalists or guides in the camp, one can learn the language of the jungle, identification of calls, marks etc. There are log huts and tents set in tribal environment for tourists. Tariff: Rs. 800 to Rs 1800. Trains between Vizag and Araku stop at Tyda. Tatipudi Reservoir is about 25 Kms from Tyda, which is connected by several buses.



Lambasingi is located at 20 km from Chintapalle, 77 km from Ankapalle, 92 km from Araku Valley, 115 km from Vishakhapatnam, 136 km from Kakinada, 176 km from Rajahmundry, 240 km from Bhadrachalam, 325 km from Machilipatnam, 333 km from Vijayawada, 364 km from Guntur, and 552 km from Hyderabad, Lambasingi, or Lammasingi is a small hamlet in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. Also known as Korra Bayalu, it is one of the popular tourist destinations to visit in Andhra Pradesh.

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Tatipudi Reservoir

Tatipudi Reservoir is located at 65 Kms from Vizag, 55 Kms from Araku & 632 Kms from Hyderabad, the Tatipudi Reservoir is located near Srungavarapukoda (also called S Kota) town situated between Vizag and Araku Valley in Vizianagaram district. The Reservoir was built in 1963 across River Gosthani to provide drinking water facility to the Vizag City. This location is very beautiful with lush green mountains on all the sides. Boating facility is available. Several migrant birds make this reservoir their home in the months of April/May. The Reservoir is about 10 Kms from S Kota and can be reached via Kothavooru and Krishnapuram (while coming from Vizag), or via Tennuboddavara and Tadupudi village (while coming from Araku). Private vehicles can be hired by S Kota town to reach this place. This place can be visited while going to Araku or during return to Vizag with 1-2 Hours additional effort.